Aims & Objectives
Anglesey Parish Council acknowledges that many community based organisations may experience difficulties in obtaining funding for specific projects/purchases. Similarly, there may be occasions where short term financial support may ensure the continuation of a long established organisation.
The Parish Council reserves a sum of money for the provision of grants to organisations and activities which contribute constructively to the life of the Parish. The size of any grant will be commensurate with the benefit to the Parish to be delivered. With funds limited applicants will need to demonstrate both the benefit to the Anglesey Community plus the use of other sources of funding.
Small grants (less than £1,000) can be considered throughout the year on a first come first served basis. Larger grants will need to be considered by the Finance Committee in advance of going before Full Council with Committee’s recommendations. Consideration will be given to the Charitable status of the applicant for sums in excess of £1,000.
Application Process
To ensure that fair and proper consideration can be given to all requests, the Council requests that all of the following be submitted to the Parish Clerk:
A completed application form together with supporting estimates/ quotations/ cash flow forecasts for the project
Details of other funding applied for, (if none why not)
The most recent full set of accounts available or a business plan for a new entity
Any additional information that the organisation considers will support their application for grant-aid
Applications will be considered by full council at the first available meeting following receipt of all necessary information. This must be with the Clerk 7 (seven) days prior to the meeting date Applicants will be advised of Council’s decision within a week of the meeting.
Requests for grant aid in excess of £1,000 need to be with the Clerk for submission to the Finance Committee prior to being passed to the Full Council. This means that such grants may take up 2 months to be processed
Qualifying Considerations
Retrospective applications (to cover money already spent) will not be considered. Applications will only be accepted from
Charitable Organisations based in or outside of the parish directly benefitting the Anglesey Community or
Non-profit-taking organisations. based in or outside of the parish serving the needs of the Anglesey residents
The Council is prevented by statute from giving financial assistance to individuals.
Applications will only be considered if submitted on the official form and accompanied by sufficient “evidence of need” by way of the suggested documents requested.
Grants are expected to be spent within a year, on the purpose for which they were given.
Council would favour providing financial assistance towards specific projects or purchases of equipment. The support for ongoing revenue costs may be provided if the organisation can demonstrate the future viability of the organisation together with the adverse effect on the Parish and its residents if the organisation was unable to continue or be significantly hampered by a lack of funds.
For further information please see the full policy document and application form.