Meeting Schedule
The Council is scheduled to meet on the second Thursday in the month. Some adjustments may be necessary in the Spring to accommodate Ramadan. The venues used alternate between the Queen Street Community Centre and The Parish Room at All Saints Church on Branston Road. The meeting usually commences at 7:30pm following a 15-minute period when parishioners can bring matters to Council’s attention. The current schedule of meeting dates can be found on the Noticeboards.
The Meeting (at which the public have no right to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman) follows an Agenda which the Clerk has drawn up and circulated to Council. An item not on the agenda cannot have a decision made on it at that meeting.
The Parish Council represents its electorate’s views and delivers what it thinks the electorate wants. Council can only do things that it has the legal power to do. There are numerous “powers” available to Council. With some very specific qualifying conditions fulfilled Council is able to exercise “The Power of General Competence” which widens the scope of Council’s activities.
Some examples of what Anglesey Parish Council did and continues to do:
- Manage the Allotment Site off Cambridge Street
- Respond to Consultations on Planning Applications (from either the Borough or the County Council)
- Publish a Newsletter This quarterly publication is put into e.g. the doctors’ surgeries, community centres etc. as well as being delivered to the local businesses. An electronic copy will also be made available
- Provide Grants to community groups.
- The Anglesey Stone & Benches
- Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014 – 2031
Roles Within A Parish Council
Within the corporate body of the council two Councillors have been elected (normally at an Annual Parish Council Meeting held in May) to fulfil two specific roles but conferring no more authority or power than that held by any other Councillor:
- Chairman The main function of the position is to Chair the meetings. They ensure that the meetings run smoothly, the rules of debate are maintained and that decisions made (by voting) are clear and concise. The Chairman does have a second vote, a “casting” vote used to break the stale mate of a tied vote. The Chairman is also the public face of the Council and will represent the Council.
- Vice Chairman –This position is what the name suggests. The holder will step in for the Chairman in their absence.
The Clerk is an employee of the Council. This professional post is there to ensure that Council makes legal decisions, to record the Minutes of the meeting detailing the decisions made and then assisting Council in executing the decisions. There is an element of administrative work in maintaining records and organising the meetings. Council also needs to have a “Responsible Financial Officer” specifically to organise and maintain the financial side of Council’s work. This is often the Clerk but does not have to be.