Groups Based in the Anglesey Parish
Anglesey Parish Council is keen to share the amazing work it knows is being done in the area. If you run a community group in the Parish, or serving the community of Anglesey, please get in touch with us – we want to know what what you do and are happy to share it.
If you don’t run a local community group please read on where you might find something of interest to you. We hope that you will continue to keep returning to see new groups as they are added.
It is Council’s intention to help promote Community Events on this page. Of necessity the current pandemic has curtailed the number of events being held. If your organisation is holding an event please let us know and we will let others know too.
Muddy Boots Gardening Project
A group of friends from All Saints’ Church on Branston Road had been seeking somewhere to set up a community project to help serve local needs. In 2015, guided by an experienced businessman, the Broadway Social Enterprise was inaugurated with a vision to set up projects and businesses serving the community.
The first project was the Muddy Boots Gardening Project in the garden behind the offices of Burton-and-District Mind which was unused and filled with derelict sheds and enormous conifers. With the blessing of the Mind manager and trustees, we set about transforming it. Starting in November 2015, the trees were felled and cut up for useful wood and firewood, the sheds demolished and the ground dug over.
Through Broadway Social Enterprise, we applied for grants and were grateful to receive £10,000 from Tesco’s “Bags for Life” scheme. This money paid for our splendid greenhouse, garden room and paving and raised beds, the great majority of which was constructed by volunteers.
For the last two years, we have been an official Place of Welcome- a Diocese of Lichfield initiative which provides support and volunteer training for those offering their venues. We also access training from Mind and are members of Support Staffordshire.
As the structures were put in place, we began to open our doors to anyone living locally who enjoyed gardening or simply getting together with others for a joint activity. A thriving volunteer group developed, meeting mostly on Thursday mornings. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and biscuits are always available and nearly two hundred people have worked in the garden over the last seven years: some come once or twice, some for a few months, others have been with us since the beginning. We have had courses for children run by the Staffordshire Wildlife team, volunteers from rehabilitation groups and in more recent years, successful Ecotherapy courses organised by Mind in which a counsellor works alongside a gardener to help people with feelings of isolation or anxiety to overcome these by working alongside others in the open air. We also receive referrals from mental health professionals and social prescribers as the therapeutic benefits of gardening are now widely accepted.
As our numbers grow, we seek to improve our facilities. With grants from Anglesey Parish Council and East Staffordshire Borough Council for the first time we have toilet facilities (a disabled access Eco-Loo) in the garden. We thank these local councillors for approving the grants for which we are very grateful.
Burton Conservation Volunteers
Based at Anglesey Allotments we have been carrying out practical environmental projects locally and further afield since February 1993.
The multi award winning group carry out work for Parish and County Councils, clients like the National Trust and several Wildlife Trusts, schools, private landowners etc. The requisite is to produce a positive environmental outcome.
By charging a basic fee for the whole group, we remain wholly voluntary, independent and self-funding. We have our own tools and £10 million public liability insurance cover.

The Manchester Oddfellows - Burton on Trent Branch
SInce 1810 years the Oddfellows has helped its members forge friendships and offered help in times of need. They are proud to be a non-profit mutual that believes in a community bonded by friendship, care and charitable support.There are no political or religious affiliations; they are here for everyone – from all walks of life and ages. As well as friendship the members may seeksupport from a range of social, care and financial benefits.
Today the national network comprises 121 branches and some 309,000 UK members. The Burton on Trent District meet in the Oddfellows Hall on All Saints Road. Further information on their activities can be found on