
Anglesey Parish Council's Allotment Site

The Parish Council manages the Allotment Site accessed via the Community Park off the end of Cambridge Street. The site was transferred to the Parish Council in 2016 from the Borough Council. The Allotment Society on the site remained active until 2018 when the plot holders voted to ask the Parish Council to take on the management of the plots.

The site sits between the Leicester branch line and the Derby to Birmingham main line. There are twenty-eight plots some of which have been dived into half or even quarter size plots. There is water to the site accessed via stand pipes along the driveway through the site to the car parking area at the far end of the site. Beyond here the ground level rises and the railway lines come closer together. The resulting triangular shape has been planted with fruit trees. On the car park the Council installed some raised beds in the form of Mangers. These were aimed at the provision of some wheelchair accessible beds.

The plots are available to rent by any individual. However, preference is given to the residents of Anglesey Parish. The plots can only be used for the production of crops for personal use; no commercial use is permitted. Not all of the plots have a shed but the tenants are welcome to install a small shed. Similarly, small green houses are permitted; polytunnels are allowed but they are included in the requirement for the majority of a plot to be cultivated.

The Annual rent paid is for the year from 1st April to 31st March. The initial rent is reduced if the plot is taken part way through the year. Plots are currently available in three different sizes:

  1. Whole Plot – Annual Rent £30
  2. Half Plot – Annual Rent £15 and
  3. Quarter Plot_ Annual Rent £10

The water bill for the season is apportioned across the plots by size. There is a refundable deposit of £10 required for a key to the site. Council asks that the gates are kept locked to preserve the security on the site.

If you are interested in trying allotment gardening, please contact the Clerk about current availability of plots.

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